Raport bieżący nr4/2020
Data sporządzenia: 2020-01-28
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
The receipt of five year follow-up report by expert and consultant in Peripheral Nerve Block (PNB) Regional Anesthesia; provides validation and confidence to advance CompuFlo in PNB market
Podstawa prawna
Art. 17 ust. 1 MAR - informacje poufne.
Treść raportu:
The Board of Directors of Milestone Medical Inc. (WAR: MMD, “the Company”, “the Issuer”), today announced the receipt of a report by Dr. Olivier Choquet, a recognized international expert on peripheral nerve blocks (PNB) and a consultant to Milestone Scientific, Inc., the majority shareholder and licensor of the Issuer, which concludes that the CompuFlo® with Dynamic Pressure Sensing technology® is the only available device capable of precisely measuring, displaying, warning, controlling and recording needle tip pressure in real time to help reduce the risk of needle injury during PNB procedures. Continuous peripheral nerve block procedures are becoming more prevalent, including pain management for patients undergoing upper/lower extremity surgeries and patients suffering from trauma. Additionally, peripheral nerve blocks are increasingly utilized as an attractive alternative to opioids for pain management, including orthopedic surgeries, which are considered one of the most painful surgeries. Dr. Olivier Choquet is the Medical Director of the Emergency Surgery operating theater and a Medical Doctor in the Department of Anesthesiology in Traumatology and Orthopedics, Lapeyronie University hospital, Montpellier, France. He has more than 50 publications to his name and is a sought after expert in the area of regional anesthesia. He lectures internationally and conducts workshops at major Congresses on a regular basis. He also serves as a clinical consultant to Milestone Scientific, Inc. and has been instrumental identifying how CompuFlo’s Dynamic Pressure Sensing Technology can change how PNB procedures are performed. In 2015, Dr Choquet and his colleagues at Lapeyronie University hospital started exploring the use of the CompuFlo technology for PNB procedures to assess the optimal flow rate during PNB procedures. He went on to investigate using Dynamic Pressure Sensing technology as a means of detecting direct needle-to-nerve contact using CompuFlo, which he demonstrated. This initial research gave rise to the pursuit of developing a true multimodal monitoring concept of combining ultrasound guidance, nerve stimulation and CompuFlo Dynamic Pressure Sensing technology. A formal comparative clinical study has been conducted and is currently in review for publication in a well-respected, peer-reviewed medical journal. Between 2016 thru 2019, Dr. Choquet and his colleagues conducted five additional research projects, in which Milestone Scientific’s Dynamic Pressure Sensing technology has been studied. The preliminary results of his research have been presented at national meetings and, in 2016, he was awarded the Best Regional Anesthesia Abstract at the French Anesthesia Society Annual Meeting. Since 2019, Dr. Choquet and colleagues from the Lapeyronie University hospital Department of Paediatric and Gynecologic Anaesthesia conducted an Observational Study using the CompuFlo technology in PNB and epidural procedures in pediatric patients. Data collection is nearly complete and statistical analysis is underway. This study will be submitted for publication in 2020. The Board of Directors of the Company believes that although quite new, the concept of injection pressure monitoring has seen rapid growth and will grow even further, as evidenced by the introduction of several devices designed specifically for use during regional anesthesia and the demonstration that CompuFlo with Dynamic Pressure Sensing technology may prevent intraneural injection. The Board of Directors of the Issuer is very excited about the research that Dr. Choquet continues to conduct, as he is on the cutting edge of regional anesthesia and his team is making important contributions to the field. The Board of Directors of the Company is grateful that Dr. Choquet recognizes the value in CompuFlo technology and has agreed to be part of the team. Overall, the PNB is a large, growing and untapped market for CompuFlo technology. Although the Issuer remain laser focused on accelerating the commercialization of the epidural instrument, the Company is now sufficiently advanced that it is preparing the commercial pipeline in other indications.
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DataImię i NazwiskoStanowisko/FunkcjaPodpis
2020-01-28Joseph D'AgostinoChief Financial OfficerJoseph D'Agostino