The Board of Directors of Milestone Medical Inc. (“Company”) informs that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company shall be held on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 9:00 am ET in Roseland, New Jersey, United States of America at the corporate office of the Company, located at 425 Eagle Rock Avenue, Suite 403. The record date for the notice of the meeting, the record date for voting, and the date of the determination of beneficial ownership shall be August 27, 2020.

Further information concerning the Meeting will be given by the Issuer by way of subsequent current reports and at the Company’s website

Legal basis: Section 4.2 point 1) of the Exhibit 3 to the Alternative Trading System Rules "Current and Periodical Information in the Alternative Trading System on the NewConnect Market".
MMD draft of resolutions 2020 signed.pdf
Data Imię i Nazwisko Stanowisko Podpis
2020-08-27 17:22:29Joseph D'AgostinoChief Financial Officer

MMD draft of resolutions 2020 signed.pdf
