Raport bieżący nr30/2020
Data sporządzenia:2020-08-25
Skrócona nazwa emitenta
PragmaGo S.A.
Change of the terms of cooperation and extension of significant agreements concluded with the Fund and the SPV
Podstawa prawna
Art. 17 ust. 1 MAR - informacje poufne.
Treść raportu:
PragmaGO S.A. informs that on 25th August 2020, an amendment to the suretyship agreement was signed, the conclusion of which was announced by the Issuer in the current report No. 41/2018 of June 6, 2018. The suretyship agreement is part of the Issuer's servicing project, in which: - an entity based in the USA specializing in lending to companies from the SME financing sector (Fund) places at the disposal of the special purpose vehicle Pragma Faktor sp. z o.o. (SPV) a revolving credit facility in the amount of PLN 22 million (RCF), - the credit facility is partially guaranteed by the Issuer, - The Issuer also grants SPV a subordinated loan in the amount not lower than PLN 1.1 million, - The Issuer manages the SPV factoring receivables portfolio and receives remuneration for this service. As a result, PragmaGO® obtains revenues from the project without increasing on balance sheet debt. Under the amendment, the amount of the Issuer’s liability for the liabilities of SPV resulting from the RCF was increased from 10% to 20%, i.e. to PLN 4.4 million. In connection with the above-mentioned suretyship agreement, the SPV signed an amendment letter to the RCF, which specifies among others a 12-month period in which the agreement is not terminated (after this period, a 3-month notice period applies) and the maximum financial leverage, i.e. the ratio of the value of all liabilities to the value of net assets at the level of 5: 1 (net assets are increased, while liabilities are decreased by the value of the subordinated debt to the Fund). At the same time, the Issuer signed a tripartite agreement with the Fund and the SPV regulating the issues related to the above-mentioned subordinated debt. In the amendment letter to the RCF, financing costs were also reduced by more than 20%, which made it possible to appropriately increase the amount of the servicing fee in the contract between the Issuer and the SPV for the management of the factoring receivables portfolio. The total value of the Issuer's servicing fee in the first six months of 2020 amounted to PLN 1,42 million, which represents 12% of the Issuer's net sales revenues in this period. The current balance of the SPV's debts towards the Fund is PLN 8,2 million, and the value of the SPV's factoring receivables portfolio is PLN 13,4 million. Please find attached the details of the Pragma Faktor project as part of PragmaGO® financing strategy. Attachments: Presentation_EN
Pragma Faktor project as part of PragmaGO financing strategy.pdf
(pełna nazwa emitenta)
PragmaGo S.A.Finanse inne (fin)
(skrócona nazwa emitenta)(sektor wg. klasyfikacji GPW w W-wie)
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+48 32 44 20 200+48 32 44 20 240
[email protected]www.pragmago.pl
DataImię i NazwiskoStanowisko/FunkcjaPodpis
2020-08-25Tomasz BoduszekPrezes Zarządu
2020-08-25Jacek ObrockiWiceprezes Zarządu
Pragma Faktor project as part of PragmaGO financing strategy.pdf